Sandwiches en la Torre de la Vela

Asociacionismo, libertad y comida rápida, por Jahd

miércoles, marzo 24, 2004

La noticia, la pregunta y las respuestas

...sobre el presunto cambio climático que tanto nos gusta.

La noticia:

CO2 buildup accelerating in atmosphere

MAUNA LOA OBSERVATORY, Hawaii (AP) — Carbon dioxide, the gas largely blamed for global warming, has reached record-high levels in the atmosphere after growing at an accelerated pace in the past year, say scientists monitoring the sky from this 2-mile-high station atop a Hawaiian volcano.

La pregunta:

Global Warming: Why Can't the Mainstream Press Get Even Basic Facts Right?

Las respuestas:

Faulty "news" stories like this one, which mislead people all over the world, are one of many alarmist global warming reports by the news media that do not reflect a consensus of scientists. What is more alarming than what scientists genuinely know about global warming is that a media outlet as influential as the AP would run a wire story this faulty, and that so many news editors would be gullible enough to run it.

Via FAEC. A ver si tengo tiempo de traducirlo un día de estos.