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Ayer, en las primarias demócratas en Nueva York:
Democrats Play Nice in N.Y. Primary
Eagerness to Oust Bush Brings Unusual Harmony
For fans of politics as blood sport, a terrible thing has happened this year to New York Democratic presidential primary voters: They've gone peaceful and pragmatic.
By tradition, the New York primary [...] is where Democratic candidates bare their teeth, where tabloid newspapers mock and hector, and where contenders sometimes meet a brutal end.
"We've had primaries that are tribal wars, but this isn't one of them,"
No se ha hablado de lios de faldas, matrimonios homosexuales ni de Irak, sino de economía, paro, trabajos perdidos por la política económica de Bush, y cómo reactivarla. Es decir, los temas que preocupan al votante y contribuyente. Que tomen nota los nuestros.
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